Sayles twirls her way into Disney

Carli Hammond

Freshmen Jadyn Sayles performs during halftime at the homing coming football game.

Malena Gurnee, Web Journalist

At the young age of five, freshman Jadyn Sayles started baton twirling. Since then she has only been improving in the sport. She enjoys what she does very much.

“It is one of my favorite things to do,” said Sayles. “So on a scale of one to ten, it is an eleven, because it is super fun.”

Sayles has been able to perform all over the country because of her skill and passion. She has performed at Disney in Florida and a Fourth of July parade in Washington, D.C.

The season for baton twirling lasts the entire school year with training at least twice a week and in the summer training can range from once a week to everyday.

Sayles has had the opportunity to meet great people through her twirling. She has been able to make friends all around the country and even some from England.

Sayles has been inspired by talented people in the world of baton twirling to improve and do the best she can. One of them is her coach’s daughter, Moriah Mascaro, who was named fourth in the world in the number one baton event.

While Sayles was in eighth grade, she wanted to do more with her skills. So, she contacted the high school band teacher, Bryan Mangiavellano and asked if she

Carli Hammond
Freshmen Jadyn Sayles twirls her baton on the filed during halftime.

could try out for the high school marching band. Mangiavellano watched a few of routines and thought she would be a great addition.

“It was cool to see someone that passionate.” said Mangiavellano.

Mangiavellano knew she would add a great visual aspect to the marching band’s performances. Sayles was thrilled when she heard the news.

“I was really excited because that’s what I have been looking forward to, that’s why I started twirling,” said Sayles. “I like the performing aspect of it all, even during competitions.”

It took Sayles a lot of practice and hard work to get to where she is today. Baton is a mixture of ballet, agility, coordination, gymnastics and dance ability in

general. It takes a lot of skill and dedication to be able to control your body while twirling.

Sayles continues to grow in baton twirling and plans to keep on improving. One of her dreams is to be a baton coach and perform in college to show her skill and passion for the sport to others.