Uneducated Insight – Choosing the proper college

Holliss Rumler, Web, Sports, & Poetry Editor

   Last time we talked about careers. We were picking one, changing our minds, selecting another, and doing that again and again until finally we make a decision. Now that we know what we want to do, college asks for a major. 

   Now, I don’t know where I want to go to college. However, I have done a lot of research and think I can help others get started. While students don’t need to know precisely what they want to do to choose a college or university, it sure helps. 

   First, what’s something important to you? Maybe you have a weirdly specific major for which few schools offer a program. Perhaps it’s a sport or club, so start by looking for schools that offer that. 

   For me, it’s fencing. Looking at schools that only offer those teams or clubs REALLY narrows my options. Fewer valid options can be best, as many colleges and universities are out there. Looking at them all could be overwhelming. 

   After narrowing that down, I’m going to repeat it…Xello. Look up those schools you have in mind there, or you can search there by major. It is an excellent resource. 

   After getting the essential information it offers, favorite some. Then go through the list of famous schools and look at their official websites. Then rinse, wash, repeat, and the list will continue to shrink. 

   Now, that’s as far as I have gotten, so everything suggested after this point is uneducated insight. 

   Visit campuses of the schools on that small final list and maybe some others nearby that you’re not considering. It may broaden your horizons and, once again, narrow things down. 

   That’s the end of my suggestions. Just keep in mind that flexibility and change are always crucial for success.