An opportunity to explore the land of architecture, culture, and topography of a new place is always available to members of the Northwest (NW) School District. NW High School students, family members, and faculty interested in seeing the unique global scenery of the world can soon travel to Greece and Italy.
Economics teacher Elizabeth Hoffbauer as well as Psychology and English teacher Tracy Dryer are hosting the Greece and Italy trip. Hoffbauer started the Travel Club in 2014 and took her first group trip in 2015 to Costa Rica.
Senior Megan Matyzius is one of many students going on the trip. She also attended the trip to Thailand in July 2023.
“I’ve been to Thailand with this group and it was absolutely amazing. The atmosphere is always relaxed and we always have fun,” said Matyzius.

Photo Courtesy of Megan Matyzius
According to Hoffbauer and Dryer, they host a trip to travel someplace around the world every two years. Their wish for the NW School District is to have a chance to travel around the world in a safe environment.
“I want them to have a once-in-a-lifetime experience,” said Hoffbauer.
The trip consists of a 15-day tour through Greece and Italy in July 2025. Those attending go to 12 cities, including Athens, Rome, and Venice. Tourist attractions the group is visiting include the Basilica of St. Francis, the Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter’s Basilica.
“I started my bucket list in high school, and I’ll be checking off some of the things from my bucket list, like going to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa or visiting the Colosseum where you had gladiators,” said Hoffbauer. “We are also visiting the Parthenon, which I’ve wanted to visit ever since I first heard of it at Sunset Elementary.”
Furthermore, the group will visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa on day four of the trip, the Colosseum on day seven, and the Parthenon on day 13.
“I’ve also always wanted to go to Greece and Italy because I grew up reading Percy Jackson. I love Greek mythology and Roman mythology,” said Matyzius.
Currently, 25 people are attending the trip, half students and half adults. The trip focuses on students, family members, and faculty, but anyone in the NW School District can sign up.
“We have current and former students signed up, as well as parents, teachers, and community members. We are hoping to take at least 30 travelers,” said Dryer.
Going to Greece and Italy allows students to practice independence and forces them to push their comfort zone. The group must be willing to try new and unique cuisines they may have never tried.
The cost of the trip varies depending on age. For anyone under 20, it costs $6,084, with monthly payments of $286 for 21 months. The price for anyone above 20 is $7,124, with monthly payments of $335 for 21 months. Though this price seems extreme, it is reasonable for transportation, hotels, private bathrooms, meals, tour directors, and daily activities.
The trip to Greece and Italy will allow students to see outside of where they are from and enlighten them to travel and see the other parts of the world besides Jackson, Michigan.