Early Graduation is well sought after. Getting out a trimester early in your senior year is something many desire. In order to be eligible, you need to have all of your high school requirements for graduation completed early, sign up, and be accepted.
One would think that missing out on a last semester would be taxing on one’s social skills. Although this is a concern, Randi Watts, a teacher at Northwest feels that there are more benefits than not.
“I recommend graduating early, it gives you a quick start on your plans,” said Watts.
If one plans on early graduation to take college courses, she recommends that the student continue. Instead, one can work on college classes through dual enrollment and have the school pay for it.
There are several advantages to graduating early. The jumpstart on adulting activities, such as working or moving can be insanely beneficial. Not needing to worry about school and homework can allow the graduate to work more hours and make more money. Although, with an upper hand in that sense, there are several cons.
“For a lot of students, early graduation can affect their social interactions,” said Watts. “Obviously there is a lot of that in high school.”
To complete such a long period of one’s life can seriously affect people. Some need the closure of the last day of high school. Others prefer to get out of school as soon as possible. Senior Ava Rose decided to graduate early much in advance.
“I have never second guessed planning on graduating early,” said Rose. “I have planned on doing this since my freshman year.”
Early graduation is something that requires planning ahead. The way Northwest High School is organized, if someone takes all required classes, they will be done with high school early. This can be useful for students to continue to figure out what they want in their lives. Early graduation gives them a few more weeks before needing to get more hours in at work to ensure their success.

Graduating early can be beneficial for those who job shadow, or plan to enter the workforce, although if one is planning on attending college, it is not for them. Colleges tend to look for students who have taken more difficult classes, and those happen to be mostly year-round.
“I job shadowed a veterinarian when I graduated early,” said Watts. “This helped me figure out sooner that I did not actually want to become a veterinarian, I am happy I learned, but it added about a semester to my college life.”
Early graduation is a big decision. It is one that requires much more hard work and perseverance to ensure one is on the right track. If one is going to go into the workforce, graduating early to job shadow could be the best idea for them. If college is the choice, staying through the year is most likely the best option.