Juniors cheering their hearts out at the pep-rally games. (Joseph Tobey-Cook)Sophomore’s, Noah Thomas and Jack Edwards eagerly awaiting for the game-winner to be announced. (Joseph Tobey-Cook)Senior, Caleb Lowe giving his all at the pep-Rally games.Teachers conga line having a fantastic time! (Joseph Tobey-Cook)Freshman conga line giving there best smile! (Joseph Tobey-Cook)Mrs.Tanner let them kids know what’s happening. (Joseph Tobey-Cook)Junior Ariana Eagan pulling with all her might. (Joseph Tobey-Cook)Teachers team pulling with enough strength to move the Titanic. (Joseph Tobey-Cook)Sophomore Carman Ambrose, Junior River Barrett, and Maycie Pool cheering their souls out. (Joseph Tobey-Cook)Teachers deciding on a class winner for Mountie Pride game. (Joseph Tobey-Cook)Maya Quillen showing off her award-winning smile. (Joseph Tobey-Cook)Miss Hade posing with the Mountie for her birthday. (Joseph Tobey-Cook)
Hello, Im Joe! I like Music, Learning, and anything silly.Ants, Ants, Ants. My pants are FULL…. Of Ants!“If you cant say something with your chest you probably shouldn’t say it at all,”