On Sunday, October 20, The Looks Committee, a group inside of Northwest High School Renaissance Council, painted the girls’ bathrooms in the 500 halls. The bathrooms in this particular hallway were grey and had a lot of blemishes.
The Looks Committee has many goals they strive to achieve throughout the school. The most important is to change the culture and make school a place students feel comfortable coming to, they are focused on improving these spaces using their voices

“We paint the bathrooms because we just want a better vibe in the school and we hope to bring more comfort than just the nasty stalls,” said Renaissance member Ryleigh Woodruff.
The bright colors turned the bathroom into a positive and enjoyable area to be in.

“Both the students in our Be More Kind Club and in The Looks Committee are dedicated to the improvement of the appearance and feel of our school building,” said Spanish teacher Rebecca Moulton. “The students have been inspired to do the planning and are dedicated to work to make many of the improvements.”
“It is disappointing when there is damage due to vandalism, especially when students have worked to make improvements for their peers,” said Moulton.
On October 23rd, damages to the bathrooms after the Renaissance Exchange Council took upon this responsibility have the northwest community feeling many different ways. Friday, December 6th was the date of the repaint.
“It made me mad seeing the bathrooms damaged,” said Renaissance member Serena Jackman. “We worked really hard on that…”