Toys for Tots, founded in 1947 by Major Bill Hicks, was inspired by his wife, Diane, to help families struggling to afford Christmas presents for their children. Now a 77-year-old tradition, Toys for Tots has spread across the United States.
High school Computer Science Teacher Randi Watts likes Toys for Tots for what it represents, appreciating that it gives others the chance to give to children who they may not even know.
“I think it is the spirit of giving, especially during the holiday time when there are students out there who do not get the same things others do,” said Watts.
Watts personally believes that students should donate to Toys for Tots, keeping in mind that not all children get the luxury of Christmas presents like others. It is always good to give to one’s community and help those in need, and she believes that is a win-win for both parties.
Junior Nyah Fraiser had some thoughts about Toys for Tots as well, while Fraiser does not donate, she believes all students should donate for the sake of the children who need it. Fraiser believes that all children should be able to have something special for Christmas, and Toys for Tots is a perfect way to give those children joy when they least expect it. Sophomore Tiffany Taylor adds to Fraiser’s statement, saying that for those who donate, it brings a sense of satisfaction, a pleasure in knowing that they helped someone else, bringing them into the Christmas spirit for themselves and others.
“I believe it brings a sense of joy not only for the receiver but the giver as well,” said Taylor.
Taylor believes that students could spread more awareness about fundraisers like Toys for Tots, and students could post on social media, spread the word to peers, and do anything to get more donations for the less fortunate children.
Toys for Tots relies on community support to make the holidays brighter for those in need. Students and staff are encouraged to get involved and spread awareness of the Toys for Tots Foundation.