These Northwest High School students spend their spare time bowling, a sport that is right up their alley. As the new year progresses so does the team and their abilities.
Last November, the varsity bowling teams held tryouts for students in grades 9 through 12—the bowling team practices at Jax 60 Jackson, Michigan. The varsity teams had a home game on January 9th against Pennfield High School at the same location they practice at, winning a 28-2 victory.
Many of the girls are excited about the recent win against Pennfeild. Senior Lacey Wenman has positive feelings about this year’s team and their abilities.
“I actually feel really good about it. I feel like this team is going to go strong, and we’re going to win some matches,” said Wenman.
Wenman joined the team in her freshman year, but she has been bowling since she was three. Wenman originally joined the team to make friends, where she met her current best friend. Wenman feels that being on the team has been one of her greatest accomplishments in high school, earning many trophies and improving her skills.
“I think bowling is a good sport here at Northwest. It’s a good sport to try…” said Wenman.

Freshman Julia Jacobs joined the team last year in November as something to do during the winter. She has found that bowling is something she much enjoys, and the team is just the icing on the cake. Though she was nervous about the team’s first match in January, Jacobs says everyone, including the players and coaches, are nice.
Freshman Gabbie Keller joined in November when tryouts started, loving both her teammates as well as her team. Keller originally joined to get more involved in school and figured that bowling was a good way to do that. While Keller was nervous about their first match, she felt better after seeing other teams have matches while they practice.
Senior Finjas Schumann joined the team in November as well. Schumann joined the team because he enjoys athletics, and his family is very big on bowling. Schumann believes the team is fun, enjoys learning and being on the team, and is very excited to compete against other teams.
“You can bowl for fun, competitively, or wherever you want; it’s amazing,” said Schumann.
In the end, bowling is competitive and challenging for the Northwest Bowling team, but it’s also fun and has a great community behind it. Bowling is more than a fun activity; it’s a high-level competition and a challenge for the chance to win with a team that is always open for expansion.