Sophomore Xanndra Stensaker is an AP and honor roll student studying to become a psychologist at Northwest High School (NWHS). To prepare her for this career path, she is taking AP Psychology. Tracy Dryer, the Social and AP Psychology teacher, has expressed that Stensaker arrives to class every day and completes her work phenomenally.
“It’s not too complicated, but it is not too easy either; it’s a perfect mix to challenge myself but also not go overboard,” said Stensaker.
In the beginning, Stensaker took the class out of curiosity. She had originally taken it on a whim to learn more about how the brain functions, but she became fascinated with psychology.
Psychology is a career path that involves working with and understanding people. No matter what, being a psychologist is considered a hands-on career path.
“Working as a psychologist gives you greater insight into what makes people work, what makes them tick, and how to help them in ways people might not be able to identify,” said Dryer.
To become a psychologist, a person must be interested in helping others in need. Motivation is a key factor as well, being that AP Psychology requires a ton of reading and pushing yourself forward to complete tasks.
“Xanndra for sure would make a great psychologist!” said Dryer.
A developmental or social psychologist stood out to her, and she plans to pursue that career. According to Grand Canyon University, development psychology studies all human aspects between growth and development. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), a social psychologist studies social influence, perception, and interaction that influence individuals.
The most interesting topic she has learned while in AP Psychology is neuroplasticity. It explains how the brain can change due to trauma and individual experiences. It also discusses how psychologists can work to heal that trauma and rewire the brain. There are two types: the structure of neuroplasticity and the function.
NWHS recently placed an acknowledgment on the lockers of honor roll students, including Stensaker. The act of admiration is for students who have kept their grades up throughout the school year.

“It makes me feel like I am being rewarded for the bare minimum, but I do not mind,” said Stensaker.
The need in this field is growing, providing many job opportunities. Even if someone were to take a trimester of psychology, it is very beneficial in human services.