Sophomore Claire Halle is exceptionally involved in school-related activities at Northwest Community Schools. She dedicates much of her time to sports, clubs, and schoolwork and has received recognition from multiple teachers for her tremendous efforts.
Halle is the Sophomore Class President in the Renaissance Exchange Council, Student Council (STUCO), and Yearbook. She first became interested in these extracurriculars at the beginning of high school because she was interested in what was happening on school grounds.
“I also enjoy helping my peers and indulging in the activities we do in the clubs,” said Halle.
Not only is she involved in clubs, but Halle also plays soccer during both off-seasons for JACS during the fall and Northwest’s indoor soccer during the winter.
She continuously balances extracurricular activities with classwork, which is often strenuous.
Due to the large workload, Halle manages her time by prioritizing any free time to finish as much work as possible. For example, she attempts to finish homework on Thursdays before the school day ends to clear space for Renaissance and STUCO meetings.
However, staying organized can be difficult. Halle notes that prioritizing one task over another often leads to stressful conditions, so keeping a balance in everything she does is crucial to staying well-organized.
Her involvement pays off, though, as she has received awards from Northwest High School during the 2024-2025 school year such as the Honor Roll for getting an 80% or higher in every class, a Personal Management, Adaptability, Communication, and Teamwork Award (PACT), and a special award from English Teacher John Rea for having a ‘Nurtured Heart.’
“She is very kind and thoughtful of those around her,” said Rea.
When she is having a hard time, Halle thinks of her experiences throughout the year and how they have affected her positively. The most memorable was traveling around the school with other advisors and picking up cans teachers collect. Although simple, she feels connected to others and makes a difference one classroom at a time.
As the school year ends in less than three months and Halle no longer holds the Sophomore Class President title (although she is running for Junior Class President next school year), her biggest advice to students seeking leadership positions such as Class President is to get involved.
“You can not be a great leader if you do not want to be around the people you are around,” said Halle.
Math Teacher and STUCO Leader Valerie Alexander has had Halle in STUCO as of last year, and she finds her to be a great example of a dedicated leader.
To Alexander, Halle’s willingness to volunteer and help others around her makes her stand out amongst her peers.
“She also represents NW core values of respectful, responsible, kind, and hardworking,” said Alexander.
In the future, Alexander sees Halle making a difference in the lives around her and continuing her leadership in her desired field of study.
Not only did Alexander and Rea notice Halle’s wholeheartedness, but those she surrounds herself with daily notice her work and admire her greatly. Halle will continue to make a difference in the school and the community, greatly satisfying her goals.