Families make people. both literally and figuratively. Family is life changing and thus it can work wonders when it comes to pushing each other to be better.
“My family are my mentors,” said Junior Mathew Horvath-Frias. In Horvath-Frias’ school life he has taken on many robotics and engineering-focused extracurriculars. One major reason behind this is due to the satisfaction and memories he gets when he takes part in the activities.
Throughout Horvath-Frias’ life he watched his brother take part in robotics and it had him enthralled, which led to Horvath-Frias joining First Tech Challenge (FTC) in the sixth grade. With each project he worked on, he grew exponentially more fascinated. This interest expanded as the years went by and it eventually led up to Horvath-Frias taking over Autonomous
Innovative Vehicle Design (AIVD) with the encouragement of his brother.

“They inspire me and always point me in the right direction,” said Horvath-Frias. “They’re my mentors.” Each step of the way Horvath-Frias’ family has not only encouraged him to pursue what he loves, but have served as a source of inspiration for the work he does.
At times the world can prove to be a tricky place, but Horvath-Frias always has someone there to back him up.
“They [Horvath-Frias’ family] have shown me that I need to work hard,” said Horvath-Frias.
Junior Madelynn Stoll is astonished by Horvath-Frias’ work ethic towards robotics. Stoll has known Horvath-Frias since her sixth grade year and since then she has grown close with him and his family.
“He stays for hours after school working on projects,” said Stoll. “It takes up a lot of time.” Ever since Stoll can remember, Horvath-Frias has been involved in all extracurriculars related to robotics and Stoll believes that his family is a big part of why he is so determined when it comes to doing what he loves.
“He always lightens the mood,” said Stoll. “His mom has always prioritized a positive mindset and I think that he learned from her.” Stoll can recall many instances where Horvath-Frias was spending time with his family, whether it be watching movies or playing

poker, during this quality time Horvath-Frias has become the supportive friend he is.
“He always keeps pushing through and he’s very motivating,” said Stoll. “He never takes the negative.”
From his highschool career to the real world, Horvath-Frias plans to ensure that Robotics is a part of his life and makes plans on pursuing an education in Engineering. Horvath-Frias has no doubt that his family will support him, from beginning to end.