Sophomore Adeline Perrine is a fairly well-known student at Northwest High School (NWHS), but besides a face you pass in the hallway, who is she? Simply put, Perrine is a hard-working and kind woman driven by her love and passion for music.
Perrine dedicates all her time to music. She’s in the Concert Band, Musical, and Serenade, and she also teaches in the Honors Choir. Perrine is very involved in the NWHS music program and hardly has any free time. Her dream of being a music teacher drives her to join many programs and gain as much experience as she can.
“If I’m outside of school, I’m usually doing something for band or choir,” said Perrine.
However, all of her efforts brought great rewards. A few weeks ago, Perrine and a few other Serenade members were invited by Northwest Choir Director, Matthew Snell, to sing with Vocal Dimension. Vocal Dimension is currently the highest choir in NWHS. This was in collaboration with the Jackson Youth Symphony Orchestra’s Valentine’s Day concert, where they performed a piece by Mozart.
Perrine is identified as a leader who gets along with all students. Because of this, Snell holds her in high regard and praises her for her hard work and dedication.
“Addy is an incredible asset to the choir program. She is a leader in her choir, her grade, and for our younger choir students. She is a skilled musician and a natural helper.” said Snell.

On March 1st, Perrine participated in the District Solo and Ensemble for band. Because of her rating of 1, the highest score, she qualified for State Solo and Ensemble, where the best high school musicians perform for another judge for another rating. Yet, she decided not to participate because of prior scheduling conflicts.
Perrine’s perseverance and dedication to her passion continue to enhance both her leadership skills and her musical skills. Northwest Band Director Bryan Mangiavellano sees this clearly and congratulates her for it.
“Adelyn is a leader. She’s very vocal and helps make others around her better. She shows a lot of grit and perseverance, and I believe she will become a good music teacher.” said Mangiavellano.
Overall, Perrine puts all of her time and effort into what she loves without sparing another minute. She helps those around her and strives to do her best for her future. As her high school career progresses and she inches toward her dreams, her teachers and peers wish her the best of luck.