I will be talking about a very successful student at Northwest High School. Her name is Savannah Mcfall, she is a sophomore, and she is actively involved in the concert choir and dual enrollment!
The first thing I would like to say about Savannah is that she takes choir very seriously. She is in the concert choir, she is a deeper/lower singer they are called altos. I asked her why she joined the choir and she replied:
¨I used to not enjoy choir in middle school, and I was tempted to quit,” said Mcfall. “But, after I did high school choir, I realized it is the best thing ever and a big part of my personality.¨
This informs me that sometimes it takes people to hate things before they love them, which is how it started for her in the choir. I also asked her for some highlights in the choir and why others should join and she replied:
¨I enjoy how we can enjoy class, become a group, and make great music,¨ said Mcfall.
This shows that choir is more than just a class. It becomes a close group of people who make wonderful music together and share that experience with one another.
Another thing about Mcfall is that she is in the dual enrollment program. She is taking Cultural Communications and has it for her fifth hour.
Not everyone uses this program, but I recently learned more about it. It is useful and would make students more successful in the future.
I asked her why she wanted to do the dual enrollment program and she replied:
¨Because I was trying to get extra credits and take classes I could not get from the high school,¨ said Mcfall.
This program is a great opportunity for many other students and myself! I also asked her about some highlights the program has and she replied:
¨Being able to get credits from the college and feel like I am making progress in my education is a very big impact it has had on me,¨ said Mcfall.
This shows that Savannah is hard working in her classes, and she always passes with A’s or B’s in every class!