High school is a daunting new adventure with several ups and downs. Being surrounded by a support group of people who share similar interests is an important thing to have. Junior Jayvon Earnest has built himself a safe space within the things he loves.
Earnest actively participates in many activities while in drama club. In this photo, he’s playing a game of improv.
Playing violin is but one of the instruments Earnest enjoys playing. He frequently plays the piano in his free time as well.
Earnest takes part in many different mediums of art. Beadwork, drawing, and dressmaking are only a few of the things he does. Once a month, he participates in the Art Club, where he and others get together and make different types of art.
Earnest recently made this necklace out of different kinds of beads.
A dress Earnest made from scratch.
Earnest, like many other students, gets to take part in the school in many different ways. These clubs, activities, and hobbies make it easier for him to get through high school.