Athlete trains to compete at collegiate level
Senior Tyriah Pryor
Jan 26, 2016
Track is a sport that is often paired with other sports. Senior Tyriah Pryor pairs track with basketball and volleyball. Although Pryor participates in these three sports, track is most likely the sport she will pursue in college as it has become a passion of hers.
For an athlete to be able to compete at the college level is rare. According to, approximately six percent of female high school track athletes across the nation earn the opportunity to run in college.
“To compete in college takes exceptional talent and hard work,” said Northwest Varsity Track Coach Mr. William Bippes. “Tyriah understands the value in goal setting and the importance of hard work. Effort, persistence, and a positive attitude are all components of Tyriah’s everyday practice and because of this she has found success.”
As a way of keeping in shape and continuing her development as a track athlete, Pryor is participating in indoor track. She competes alone against other athletes at various college locations with indoor track facilities.
“I’m doing indoor track to help decrease my time and improve my personal record,” said Pryor. “I just plan to train hard and work on my speed and agility out of the blocks.”
Pryor’s aim is to lower her times in order to attract more colleges in offering scholarships. Her ultimate goal is to be a collegiate track athlete.
“I have had a few different offers from schools like Buena Vista University, Indiana Tech, and recently Oakland,” said Pryor. “Even If I didn’t have any of these offers I would still be running indoor track because I know that if I drop times they would be more likely to express interest in me.”
Even with Pryor’s busy basketball schedule during the week she still finds time on the weekend to participate in as many indoor track meets as she can. For Pryor, it is easy to make room for something she is so passionate about it.
“It’s just that drive, like when you get a passion for something it’s like you want to keep pursuing that passion. It’s what pushes you, because you want to see where it will take you,” said Pryor.
For Pryor, it has taken her to Indiana Tech where she has officially accepted an offer from the college.
“Tyriah is a humble leader, a humble motivator, a humble winner, and a phenomenal individual! These attributes have helped to improve our track program here at Northwest and these attribute are what will help to make Tyriah great in college,” said Mr. Bippes. “I am very proud of Tyriah and all that she has accomplished in just a short period of one season on the girls track team.”