Creation of Outstanding Mountie Awards
New student recognition bridges district buildings together
100 to 0 award that English Teacher Mr. Ron Woodruff had received.
Mar 3, 2016
Recognition for students in the high school is in the making. As of this year, Dean of Instruction Mrs. Amanda Anspaugh has created the Outstanding Mountie Award (OMA). OMA are awards used to recognize the good deeds students are doing.
The elementary and middle school already has their own awards dedicated to students, so Anspaugh wanted to continue the praise in high school. The elementary school gives Marvelous Mountie Awards and the middle school gives Arrow Awards.
“I feel as if we don’t honor our students enough and we especially don’t to those that are on the honor roll that deserve these awards,” said Anspaugh.
The students are nominated by teachers around the school. From there, Anspaugh looks over the nominees and decide who will receive the award(s). One male and female student will win the award that they were nominated for based on administration’s opinion.
The winners will be announced during an informal breakfast for students and their family for both trimester one and two, after the count for trimester two is completed, in the spring. The breakfast will also include those on the honor roll and will be invitational only.
“It was an idea to bring together the K 12 piece of it,” said Anspaugh. “It bridges the buildings together.”
While the staff is nominating students, they write comments to tell why they believe that student should receive the award.
“These are more personalized and teachers put some thought into it by putting their comments,” said Anspaugh.
The winners of the awards will receive a frame of the award criteria and the teacher’s comments.
“It’s a minimal token of appreciation,” said Anspaugh. “It is something a student can put out at their graduation.”
In the future, the announcement of the OMAs will take place every trimester.
Below are the awards with their criteria.
The Mountie Spirit Award
Demonstrates emotional support by displaying positive and good sportsmanship, wearing red and black during school and at games, and verbally leading the student section/crowd in form of cheers and chants, behavior reflects the schools, this person whole heartedly believes in the Red and Black GREATNESS and shares with everyone
The Nurtured Heart Award
Lives and breathes Nurtured Heart in classroom, hallways, and all aspects of life, who is positive, looks for greatness in others, who is helpful and confident, give verbal energy and recognition to people, and focus on positivity
The 100/0 Award
Demonstrates respect and kindness, goes all in on everything they do, does not expect anything in return, does not let anything the other person says or does not affect them, is persistent with their graciousness and kindness, and shows dedication and desire to achieve success in the classroom/program without recognition
The College and Career Excellence Award
Personal Attributes
Loyalty, commitment, honesty and integrity, enthusiasm, reliability, personal presentation, common sense, positive self-esteem, sense of humor, a balanced attitude to school and home life, motivation and adaptability
Professional Attributes
Dependable, timely, ability to learn and adapt, values diversity and difference, strong communication and interpersonal skills, takes initiative and is self-motivated, works as an individual and as a member of a team, demonstrates problem solving skills, strong organizational skills, works under pressure and accepts challenges head-on, willingness to take risks, participates fully in classroom discussions, involvement in clubs/extracurricular activities
The Daring Greatly Award
Demonstrates attempts new ideas, not afraid to take risks, learns in every opportunity, excited for new learning adventures, inspire other students to achieve greatness, shows vulnerability in working with new ideas, sharing, learning, and inspiring people