Student Government plans for future

The 2015-2016 Student Government members.
Mar 21, 2016
The Northwest High Student Government have gained over half of their members just from the 2015-2016 school year alone. In total, there are 40 students involved with Student Government. Officers discuss upcoming events, plan events, discuss ideas, and vote on anything that needs to be voted on. Students are able to apply and campaign for roles like President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Representatives for their specific grade. Elections for 2016-2017 Officers are taking place a week after spring break. Students in 8-11 grade can apply for their class officers next year or student government office. Requirements for class officers include 100 signatures of students from any grade, and if applying for student government officers is three recommendations from three staff members and one from a principal. Campaigning is not required.
Upcoming events that Student Government is planning include:
- Northwest Got Talent – a talent show that allows any Northwest students who are interested in participating. This event will be held in the New Cafetorium.
- Community Movie Night – is being planned for sometime between the end of April and early may. and Student government is still discussing details as to what movie to show and where to hold this event.
- Blood Drive – That will take place on Thursday, April 21 from 9a.m. to 2:45p.m. . Sign-ups to donate and volunteer will be available before spring break.
- Soccer Tailgate/Picnic – Student Government is in planning for this and would be selling food to community members.
**Most events are still in the planning process and need approval by Mr. Buchler or Mr. Bontrager before they can happen. These events are not confirmed to be happening yet.
Meetings are mostly held on Thursdays in Mrs. Abby Tanner’s (Room 515). Make sure to follow Student Government on Twitter (@NWHSSG), Facebook (NWHS Student Government) and Instagram (NWHSSG).