New year brings new grading scale


Sydney Shafer, Journalist

A new grading system was put into use for the district this year.

In previous years, the grading scale was at a 60-20-20 percent, which meant 60 percent of a student’s grade came from common assessments. Another 20 percent varied from teacher to teacher because they each made up their own tests for a specific class. The last 20 percent was the grade from a student’s final exam.

This year, the grading scale was changed to 80-20. Common assessments and final exams make up 80 percent, while the other 20 percent depends on the teacher’s subject but the tests are the same. The grading scale was changed in order to be more consistent and fair to students. Teachers also grade students on a zero to five point scale; the scale indicates if the student completed the assignment.

A group of volunteer teachers have changed the guidelines so that a student can turn in assignments up to a week late and they will not be marked down.

A student can fill out request to retest form if they received a grade they are not satisfied with.

“We want grades to reflect true learning” said Principal Mr. Scott Buchler.

On the other side of the grading scale is the new rubric for the soft skills grade.

The soft skills grading scale is meant to reflect how employable a student is. It is broken off into four parts which include collaboration, respect, initiative, and work habits. Each category is based on a one to three point scale, with four being an A+

One represents below expectations. Two equals emerging expectations.Three students are meeting expectations. Four represents exceeding expectations.

There are codes that will go into the grade book such as (ABS) for being absent and missing an assignment.