Students participate in Clark Lake Polar Plunge
Courtesy of Elizabeth Hoffbauer
(left ti right) Economics teacher Elizabeth Hoffbauer, seniors Hannah Parson and Trevor Saye, and sophomore Jordan Dangler
Jan 31, 2018
The Northwest Mounties recently took part in the Clark Lake Polar Plunge.
Seniors Hannah Parson and Trevor Saye, sophomore Jordan Dangler, and community member Jeff Gier all took the dip into freezing cold water in order to raise money for the Special Olympics.
The jumpers chose to participate for many different reasons. For instance, Gier chose to jump in honor of his daughter Bailey, who tragically passed away 2016. Parson choose to jump because she believes the Special Olympics is a great cause.
“The polar plunge is to raise money for the Special Olympics, so that the athletes who participate don’t have to worry about paying to play,” said Parson. “The thrill of jumping into the below freezing water is just a bonus.”
The temperature outside was around 30 degrees, but felt colder due to strong windchill and sleeting rain.
Economics teacher Mrs. Elizabeth Hoffbauer has organized a team to jump from Northwest for the past few years.
“For me, it started when one of my Economics classes chose the Special Olympics to help,” said Hoffbauer.
She has taken the plunge twice, but does not plan on jumping again.
Overall, $24,030 was raised with Northwest contributing $625. There were 190 jumpers who participated within the Jackson area.