Parent ‘picks’ way in assisting Guitar Class
Community member Janet Belding assists sophomore Lauren Ingram in correct finger placement for a guitar note.
Feb 2, 2018
For the past three years, community member Janet Belding has been assisting the band program by volunteering and supervising at band events. Recently, she has been helping band director Bryan Mangiavellano teach his fourth hour guitar class.
She has a son who graduated in 2016, and a daughter in the junior class. Coincidentally, Belding’s daughter, Emily, is in the guitar class. Emily’s involvement is what inspired Belding to help teach the class during second trimester.
Her knowledge of guitar comes from over 30 years of personal experience. She was inspired to learn guitar by her father who used to play when she was a child.
She taught herself guitar on sheet music from the local library. Her favorite music to play is from the Eagles, Johnny Cash, and the Beatles.
“I bought my first nice guitar in 1995, but I have been playing since the early 80s,” said Belding.
Belding also loves being so involved with band program and its members. She enjoys the music they make and the family setting within the group.
“I was not able to be in band, so I made sure my kids were,” said Belding.
Belding helps the students by playing along with songs and answering any questions they have. She tries to give students their space and let them learn for themselves.
“They are very courteous and respectful,” said Belding. “I love working with them.”
She says it is rewarding to see her student’s improve their guitar skills. Not only does she enjoy helping, but Mangiavellano enjoys the help as well.
“She is like another set of eyes and ears,” said Mangiavellano. “It helps all the students get [more] individual attention.”
With help from both Belding and Mangiavellano, the students learn guitar skills very quickly.
“They learn so fast and all seem to enjoy it,” said Belding.
Belding has been a tremendous help to the band program, and many are thankful for all that she does. She plans to continue assisting the band program throughout Emily’s high school career.