New student teacher assists band director
Oct 24, 2019
Since the Marching Mounties began working on their 2019 show, Reach for the Sky, they have been fortunate enough to have a new student teacher. The band has had previous student teachers before, but none has had an impact like Mr. David Gerada.

Every two years or so, Mr. Bryan Mangiavellano has a student teacher. In order to become a student teacher, they will need to contact Mr. Mangiavellano to potentially have an interview to see if they are suitable for the job.
Gerada has been working with the band since August at band camp and has already bonded and impacted many students. He was able to choose which high school he taught at and luckily, he chose Northwest.
“Mr.Gerada jumped right in and started making connections with the students,” said Mr. Mangiavellano. “He didn’t wait to be told to do anything…he just did it!”
Although Mr. Gerada is from Rochester Hills, he had previously known about Northwest.
“I did a lot of research on prospective places, but Northwest and Mr. Mangiavellano were on the top of my list, and I was very excited to be accepted into the program,” said Gerada.
During his youth, Gerada’s love for music began at age three when he was exposed to a general music class in his town. The following year he started taking piano lessons.
While he is here, Gerada will be evaluated on a few things, such as musical development, teacher development, music teacher development, and professional development, all of which Mr. Mangiavellano says he is doing great.
“When he sees something needs fixing, he jumps down and gets at it,” said Mangiavellano. “He’s done a lot of lead teaching and has even written some of our halftime drills.”
After Gerada graduates and is finished student teaching he plans to teach his own classes. But for now, the band program is really grateful to have him around!