Pro-Con: Year round schooling
Feb 12, 2020
Pro: Year Round School is beneficial for all

While the topic of having year round schooling has been very controversial, there are many beneficial factors.
A regular schedule for most year round schools is a 45-15 day plan. This means students go to school for 45 days and then receive 15 days off rather than going to school for 180 days and getting 70-80 days off in the summer. Having a schedule like this would decrease students’ education gaps that many of them obtain during the long summer break.
Not only are students affected by this long summer break but so are teachers. Many teachers spend the first month of school having to review or even re-teach what was already taught. With year round schooling there would be less instructional time spent on reviewing and re-teaching therefore, letting students learn new things.
Teachers pay will not be affected by a switch to year round schooling. Although there will be more breaks teachers will still get paid through the breaks. Not only this but teachers will receive a year-round salary.
When it comes to school work, many students tend to get stressed out very easily, especially high school students. With year round schooling offering more breaks to students, it gives them a chance to relax and to slip away from the stress that school is creating.
Parents also benefit from year round schooling as well. With three months of summer, many parents cannot find an adequate babysitter or childcare center cheap enough to watch their children. However, with year round school, children will be at school and when they receive a break it will be easier to find a sitter since the break is not due to a holiday.
Overall, year round schooling seems to be a better option for students, teachers, and even parents.
Con: Why break tradition if it works?

The discussion regarding year-round schooling arises annually leaving the community to consider whether it is beneficial or not. But, for Northwest, it is not.
Northwest has been exercising the nine-month calendar since the institution has opened and for students, it has become habitual. For most students, the thought of year-round schooling can be overwhelming and worrisome.
After nine months of work, students want a break. With a nine-month calendar, they are able to have time to disconnect from school and have a rest from learning.
Not only does this break benefit students, but it also rewards the teachers with a well-deserved break needed after teaching students 184 days out of the year.
This also gives students a chance to get adjusted at the beginning of the year. Some may believe the first weeks of school are a waste of time, when in reality these days help to build and encourage a routine.
This allows students the opportunity to get used to their schedules, adapt to new procedures, and have a chance to become comfortable in the classroom and with their teachers before they begin learning. This is beneficial because adolescents perform better when they are comfortable with their surroundings and teachers.
A huge downside of year-round schooling would be the cost due to the law which says that classroom temperatures in the summer months are required to be in between 73 and 79 degrees Fahrenheit. With hot, Michigan summers, this would require the school to accommodate for extra electricity and air during the warmer months.
Another disadvantage would be that many students use the summer months to work and save up money. During the school year students can become overwhelmed from the stress of working while in school, but in the summer they can focus on only their job and have availability to work in the mornings and evenings.
For some schools, a year-round schedule works best. But in Northwest’s case, a nine-month calendar is more beneficial for the students and staff in Mountie Nation.