Mountie Nation Station engages students through weekly shows

Photo by: Riley Henderson

Abby Sczykutowicz (left) and Kellie Fruend (right) working on airing their latest broadcasting show.

Holliss Rumler, Web, Sports, & Poetry Editor

 Entertainment, something many people cannot live without. People find joy in many different ways, such as music, reading, television, and much more. However, during an excruciating day, students long for any break they can get, especially if it makes them smile.

   Providing people with joy through film is something students Jacob Weldon, Karson Schroeder, and Abby Sczykutowicz work hard for in Advanced Broadcasting, and they excel at it.

Northwest High School offers many creativity-based courses. In particular, the advanced broadcasting program works on many different projects, some of which the student body gets to enjoy during Friday’s Focus Time slide presentations.

   Weldon is one of the students responsible for a large number of the school’s productions.     

   “I hope that I’ve done my goal in entertaining people,” said Weldon.  

   This class allows people to have many roles and responsibilities, giving them opportunities to express themselves, often in a family-like environment. 

   “To me, it’s not really like a class. It’s more of hanging out and doing what we love,” said Schroeder. 

   It often doesn’t just take one individual’s self-expression to create a masterpiece. It takes a combination of many.  

   “There is a lot behind the scenes. It takes a lot to build a show,” said Sczykutowicz.

   The advanced broadcasting students recently started collaborating on a project called “The Classroom” to make the rest of the student body smile and share a laugh. 

   “I hope it just brightens their day. That’s the whole point of a comedy-based show,” said Weldon. 

   However, while this show brings students closer together, it has also strengthened the bonds of the producers. 

   “We don’t usually do shows together, so this one, we’re all doing it as a group, we all laugh with each other and at each other,” said Schroeder. 

   To the broadcasting family, the number of people and effort it takes to make a show does not compare to the amount of thrill they feel when they make people smile. 

   “I hope they are inspired, not even to join broadcasting, but to do something creative and figure out their passion from there,” said Schroeder. 

   The Mountie Nation Station is, without a doubt, responsible for many connections.