Instagram’s Bad Parking Mounties grows followers

Leo Moten, Web Journalist

   A new sensation for driving at Northwest High School is Bad Parking Mounties’ Instagram page. The page has grown quite a following since it first started. It began with zero followers, and within three months, it gained more than six hundred. 

   The page consists of Northwest High School’s bad parkers, with an anonymous person as the page owner. Many assumptions are out there about who runs the account, but the true identity of the newly founded entertainment remains unknown. 

   With the rapid increase of followers comes the growth of harassment toward the page. Many people have repeatedly been attempting to investigate who runs the account. There have been times when students tried to figure out who runs the Instagram page by harassing numerous students with questions regarding the account. 

   “There has been a little bit of negative feedback after creating this page. To be brief, people get frustrated when I choose not to share my identity, and some have even gone as far as harassing people they think may be behind this account,” said Bad Parking Mounties.

   Brightening the Mountie spirit was the main reason for the owner’s creation of the account, and it continues to be a priority for them.  

Photographed by: Andrew Milligan

 “I noticed a lack of pep and spirit, and I wanted to find a way to give students a positive impression of the school. We as a school need a coming together moment. I thought creating this bad parking page would be the perfect way to create positive entertainment,” said Bad Parking Mounties

   As the Bad Parking Mounties continue to find success, the teenage daily gossip has turned into a fun mystery and investigation for students to engage. The newfound quest to figure out the details surrounding the Bad Parking Mounties page has brought a new distraction from the pandemic to students and stress relief from school.