Community honors dedicated man
Mar 21, 2017

Lee Webb speaks before the school after receiving gifts from sports teams and a standing ovation from the school.
Hundreds of thank you notes, letters and signed gifts were some of the souvenirs 68 year old Lee Webb got to take home on Thursday morning, March 16.
To show gratitude and honor to those who have been role models to the school and community, Northwest invited Webb to the school’s cafetorium. He had no clue how much he truly meant to the district.
“This is above and beyond,” said Webb. “I couldn’t ask for a better day.”
The high school decided to surprise Webb and plan a secret assembly to honor his dedication to kindness.
“The Be More Kind Club has been planning the assembly for the past two months. We strive to create a culture where everyone feels welcome,” said senior Cecilia Klee.
After 50 years of being able to count on Webb’s constant support, Northwest embraced the club’s idea of having an appreciation assembly for Webb.
“I am proud of every one of you,” said Webb during the assembly. “I try to participate, and it’s a pleasure coming to your events. You kids make my day, every day.”
Webb worked as a state trooper before he became a truck driver where he retired six years ago. Today he runs around the high school’s campus and greets students six days a week.
“I run to stay in shape. People don’t realize that I work out in my basement two hours before I go for my run. I have a routine that I do 6 days a week which consists of exercises that start from my head down to my toes. I am a three degree black belt in Taekwondo so I practice all of my forms, punches and kicks,” said Webb.
No matter rain, snow, 90 degrees or 20 below; Webb is out running. Apart from staying in shape his goal is to inspire students and staff to get off the couch and move.
“Every single day when I drive home from school he waves at me. You will meet him at sporting events at school where he comes up to you and talks for a bit. Seriously he often makes my day,” said senior Zachary Newhouse.
Students created a video with personal messages to Webb which is another gift he can keep forever. He showed that a single person can impact an entire community by simply being kind.